Personal Computer Hardware
Step 1:
Identify the RAM in a computer
With Windows XP, there
are two ways to view control panels: Classic View and Category View.
The options
available depend on which one of these two views you are using. If you see the Switch
to Category
View option on the left, you are currently in
the classic view mode. If Switch to Classic View is
displayed, you are currently in Category View mode. For this step, you
want to use Classic
View mode.
From the Start menu,
select Control Panel. In the Control Panel, choose System to
open the System
Properties dialog box. Alternatively, you can get
this information by clicking the Start button and right clicking the My
Computer icon. Next, choose Properties from the drop-down menu.
The computer operating system and
service pack information are listed in the upper part of the dialog box. The computer
processor type, speed, and memory are listed in the lower portion.
operating system
and service pack
processor type,
speed, and
In this example, the
computer processor is a Pentium 4 processor with a clock speed of 3.20 gigahertz (GHz). Clock
speed is a measurement of the number of cycles per second that a processor is capable of doing.
The number of cycles impacts the number of instructions per second that the CPU can process. A
higher clock speed generally means that a processor is capable of executing more instructions per
The computer has
448 MB of RAM available for the CPU.
Check your computer and
determine the amount of RAM available to the CPU. How much RAM is in your
Answer : 956
MB atau 1GB.
Step 2: Determine
the size of the hard disk drive
Double-click the My
Computer icon on your computer desktop. If you do not have a My Computer icon, click Start and
choose My Computer.
Right-click the local
disk drive under the Hard Disk Drives Section (which is usually the C drive),
and select
Properties. This opens the Local Disk Properties dialog box. The
total capacity of the hard
is shown above the Drive C icon.
c. Determine
the size of the hard drive on your computer. What is the total size of the hard
drive in GB? The answer will vary depending on the hard drive installed
in each computer.
Answer : 74,4
d. Keep
the Local Disk Properties dialog box open for the next step.
Step 3:
Determine the free space and used space on the hard drive
a. In
the Local Disk Properties dialog box, the used and free space is shown
in both bytes and GB above
the Capacity.
b. What
is the used space of your hard drive in GB?
Answer : 54,23 GB
c. What
is the free space of your hard drive in GB?
Answer : 20,17 GB
Step 4:
Check for other storage devices
a. Right-click
the Start button and select Explore. Select My Computer in
the left pane.
b. How
many drive letters are shown in the window that appears?
c. Right-click
on a drive icon other than C: and select Properties. The Removable
Disk Properties window
d. Select
the Hardware tab, which provides information on each device and whether
it is working properly.
Step 5:
a. Why
is it important to know the amount of RAM in your computer?
Answer : This will determine
the type of OS that you are able to run as well as which application programs
can be used. Generally the more RAM in a computer system the better
b. Why
is the size of a hard drive as well as the space being used important?
Answer : The size of the
hard drive gives an indication of the total number of files that can be stored
on the drive. This includes the operating system, application programs as well
as any data associated with these programs. Generally the larger the drive size
the better.
Step 1:
Determine the current screen resolution
a. To
view the current screen resolution and color quality settings, right-click on
any empty space on the desktop
and select Properties from the context menu. In the Display
Properties window, select the
Settings tab.
can also access Display Properties by opening the Control Panel and
clicking the Display
Use the Display
Properties Settings tab to record the current settings on your PC: The
screen resolution is (H by V)
Answer : Horizontal
The horizontal resolution is: 1024,
The vertical
resolution is: 768,
The color quality
value is: 32 bit
Step 2:
Determine the maximum resolution for the highest color quality.
The slide bar under Screen resolution is used to
configure the desired resolution.
a. Move
the slide bar to see the range of screen resolutions that are available on your
PC. (The range is determined
by the operating system when it identifies the display card and the monitor.)
b. Use
the Display Properties Settings tab to fill out the following
table for the current settings on your PC :
Minimum screen resolution 800×600 pixels Maximum screen resolutio 1280×800
pixels Available color quality settings medium (16 bit) dan highest 932 bit)
Step 3: Calculate the pixels for current and
maximum resolution settings
The display on the screen consists of rows of
pixels. The number of pixels in each row is the horizontal resolution. The
number of rows is the vertical resolution. To determine the total number of
pixels in a screen resolution, you multiply the horizontal resolution by the
vertical resolution. For example, if the current resolution is 1280 x 1024, the
total number of pixels is 1280 times 1024, or 1,310,720.
Answer :
Calculate the total
number of pixels for the lowest resolution: 600 pixels
Calculate the total
number of pixels for the maximum resolution: 1280 pixels
Step 4: Identify the type of graphics card
You can get detailed information about the graphics card
(also called the display adapter) in the Display Properties screen.
a. In
the Display Properties screen, click the Advanced button.
Select the Adapter tab.
c. Use
the information found in the Adapter tab to complete the
following table:
Answer :
Answer :
Graphics card manufacturer and
model (Adapter Type)
Graphics memory on card (Memory Size) |
Chip type, DAC Type, memory Size,
adapter string, Bios infoemation128 MB, but this is based on speck of the
each of the computer.
Step 5: Identify the type of monitor and available refresh rates
You can get detailed
information about the monitor in the Display Properties screen. The screen
refresh rate determines the number of times per second the screen is
illuminated or redrawn. A refresh rate of 60 hertz means the screen is
illuminated 60 times per second. Higher refresh rates provide less screen
flicker, which reduces eye strain, but may adversely affect the monitor. You
should set the refresh rate to the highest level the monitor can safely
a. Click
on the Monitor tab to see the monitor type and current refresh rate.
Use the information
found in the Monitor tab to complete the following table:
Monitor type
Plug and Play Monitor and NVIDIA
GeForce Go 7400
Supported refresh rates
c. What
can occur if you select a refresh rate that is higher than what the
monitor can safely display?
: Can be damage to hardware.
Lab 1.5.3 Installing a Printer and Verifying Operation
dari labsheet 1.5.3 ini adalah menginstal sebuah printer. Langkah-langkahnya
sebagai berikut:
menginstall printer:
Sebelum kita menginstal printer kita harus
mempersiapkan alat-alat nya.
2. Alat
yang kita pertama yang harus kita siapkan yaitu sebuah printer Canon series IP
3. Alat
yang kedua yang harus kita siapkan yaitu sebuah laptop ataupun notebook, untuk
menginstal software.
4. Alat
ketiga yang harus kita siapkan yaitu CD Master/Driver Printer Canon IP1900.
5. Alat
keempat yang kita butuhkan yaitu kabel USB untuk menghubungkan printer dengan
laptop; kabel Printer yang menghubungkan printer dengan sumber arus.
6. Sebelum
kita memulai melakukan penginstalan pastikan semua alat belum dihidupkan atau
terhubung arus.
7. Langkah
pertama yang harus kita lakukan yaitu mengambil kabel printer
8. Langkah
berikutnya yaitu kita pasangkan kabel printer ke mesin printer.Colokan sesuai
dengan port yang tersedia.
9. Lalu
ujung kabel Printer yang lain kita colokkan/pasangkan ke sumber arus.
10. Selanjutnya
kita ambil kabel USB.
11. Lalu kita
pasangkan salah satu sisi kabel USB ke printer.
12. Sisi kabel
USB yang lain kita pasangkan ke Laptop. Dengan demikian mesin printer dan
Laptop telah terhubung.
13. Langkah
Selanjutnya yaitu menghidupkan mesin printer. Tekan tombol “ON” / power pada
mesin printer.
14. Setelah itu
baru kita hidupkan laptop atau notebook.
15. Buka DVD
drive, dengan cara menekan tombolnya. Lalu ambilah CD driver/master printer.
16. Masukkan CD
master intaller ke DVD drive, pastikan posisinya tepat pada tempatnya.
17. Tutup
kembali DVD drive yang telah ada di dalamnya CD master. Lalu CPU akan membaca
CD master.
18. Setelah CPU
membaca CD master, lalu muncullah tampilan “Select your Recidence”, pilihan
option Asia karena kita berada di benua Asia.
19. Setelah itu
muncullah tampilan “Select the Installation Method and Follow the Instruction
on the Screen”, pilihan button/tombol “Easy Install”.
20. Selanjutnya
muncullah tampilan “Driver and On Screen Manual”, lalu klik button “Install” di
pojok kanan bagian bawah.
21. Lalu
muncullah tampilan Step 1 License “Agreement Canon Products”, lalu kliklah
tombol “Yes” untuk melanjutkan proses.
22. Lalu CPU
akan melakukan proses loading, tunggu sampai proses loading selesai.
23. Selanjutnya
muncul tampilan Step 2 Printer Conncection, kita perlu mengklik apa-apa karena
akan terlihat beberapa gambar bergerak cara mengkoneksikan mesin printer dengan
24. Selanjutnya
muncul tampilan Step 2 “Print Head Alignment Recommended”, lalu klik button
“Next” untuk melanjutkan proses.
25. Selanjutnya
muncul tampilan Step 2 “Installation Result”, lalu klik button “Next” dipojok
kanan bawah untuk melanjutkan proses.
26. Selanjutnya
muncul tampilan Step 3 Extended Survey program, Klik “Agree” untuk melanjutkan
27. Setelah itu
akan terjadi proses loading Scanner Extended Survey Program, tunggu sampai
proses selesai.
28. Proses
Intalation complete successfully artinya proses penginstallan telah berhasil.
29. CD Driver
Intaller dapat membuka secara otomatis. Proses selesai.
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